It’s warming up outside just enough to take a walk with a friend, you bundle up, park on the square and decide to do a lap downtown. It’s your first time here since Shopko was demolished and you just can’t believe how downtown has changed. You walk down Main Street, come to where Shopko was, look in amazement at the space that once held a mall and turn to go South on Strongs Ave. commenting as you walk about how different downtown is.
Shopko lot without Shopko on a January 2025 evening.
Then you come to the stop light on Clark St and see our inviting cafe entrance, you can’t help but enter to warm up, having no idea that this place was here. What a fun, unexpected, secret, surprise. You look around amazed, and then walk up to the counter.
“I never knew this was here” you tell the barista.
“Well, welcome! We are the Rose House Cafe, we have gifts, chocolates, coffees, and this is our breakfast and lunch menu. We are a part of the Rose House wedding and event space which is right through this hallway” they reply.
You continue to take it all in. “I knew about the wedding and events but had no idea about this cafe.” Turn to your friend, “did you know about this?”
Your friend also had no idea and ask, “How long have you been here?”
The barista tries not to make it awkward as she says “The cafe opened in Spring of 2021, basically during covid so it’s not crazy you didn’t know about it. Make sure you tell your friends.”
You both wish you would have brought money and make plans to be back as you head out the door, still so surprised since you had no idea…and also shocked that in 4 years you haven’t walked down this corridor.
Well, good thing it’s not too late! I’m so happy we just had this conversation here and not in person! Now when you come you will be prepared. Bring your friend and plan to have some lunch!
Today, I recommend the waffles ;-) but whatever you’re in the mood for works, you can’t go wrong!
The Rose House Cafe is at the corner door of the Rose House, open 9-2 Mon-Sat. You can check out the venue while you are here, which makes it great if you are curious about our space!
We were looking for a photo of the demolished shopko and ran across this news clip regarding Shopko from Spring 2024 that we happened to be in, check it out here.