Paczki Sale
9:00 AM09:00

Paczki Sale

Packzi will be available at the Rose House, Saturday March 1st and Fat Tuesday March 4th

Flavors available will be:

Raspberry, blueberry, lemon, cherry, or prune

Price is $2.75 each or 6 for $15

Feel free to email us your order along with name, phone number, email, and time and date which you will like your order to be ready.

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Paczki Sale
9:00 AM09:00

Paczki Sale

Packzi will be available at the Rose House, Saturday March 1st and Fat Tuesday March 4th

Flavors available will be:

Raspberry, blueberry, lemon, cherry, or prune

Price is $2.75 each or 6 for $15

Feel free to email us your order along with name, phone number, email, and time and date which you will like your order to be ready.

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Holiday Makers Markets
10:00 AM10:00

Holiday Makers Markets

Join us for our 4th annual Makers Markets. Shop and support local artists this holiday season!
Our market is a great place to find unique and custom made wares. We are offering this once November 23rd and again December 14th. This gives you time to shop for unique items, and the chance to request custom orders in time for the holidays as well!

Interesting in becoming a vendor? Application and payment are available here,

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Santa Experience Photo Sessions
3:00 PM15:00

Santa Experience Photo Sessions

Santa Experience photo session are personal one on one sessions with Santa! The space is set up for activity and interaction with Santa, while your child explores and warms up to it all we snap professional photos. Each 15 minute session includes 5-7 digital images with a release and is $175. Contact us by emailing today to reserve your slot!

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Jazz Night! (Copy)
6:00 PM18:00

Jazz Night! (Copy)

Jazz night by Point of Jazz is SO FUN! The first hour is the main band playing and the second hour is like “Open Mic” jazz, others from the university and around town join band. It’s SO COOL! The band opens this to the public at no cost and would love to have you join the fun.

The bar is open and Rose House Cafe food is available for purchase.

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Holiday Makers Markets
10:00 AM10:00

Holiday Makers Markets

Join us for our 4th annual Makers Markets. Shop and support local artists this holiday season!
Our market is a great place to find unique and custom made wares. We are offering this once November 23rd and again December 14th. This gives you time to shop for unique items, and the chance to request custom orders in time for the holidays as well!

Interesting in becoming a vendor? Application and payment are available here,

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Jazz Night!
6:00 PM18:00

Jazz Night!

Jazz night by Point of Jazz is SO FUN! The first hour is the main band playing and the second hour is like “Open Mic” jazz, others from the university and around town join band. It’s SO COOL! The band opens this to the public at no cost and would love to have you join the fun.

The bar is open and Rose House Cafe food is available for purchase.

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Murder Mystery in the "Old West"
6:00 PM18:00

Murder Mystery in the "Old West"

Join us for a night of mystery and fun in an Old West saloon! Murder at Deadwood Saloon causes a stir. Come dressed in your best Western attire. Purchase tickets now to receive your character information and plan your role. Tickets are $50 and include a wild night of carousing and mystery, one beverage, and light appetizers. Available now!

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10:00 AM10:00

Junior Entreprenuer Makers Market

We are looking forward to hosting the first ever central WI Junior Entrepreneur Maker’s Market at The Rose House.

Mark your calendar and plan to stop and support local young makers and their art! If you are interested in participating, there is still room to become a vendor. You can email the application back to or

Vendor application

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Couples Cooking-Sushi
6:00 PM18:00

Couples Cooking-Sushi

Join us Thursday, Feb 29th for a fun intro to cooking couples class. We will be learning to roll sushi. Each guest will be able to make two rolls, one to eat at the Rose House along with dinner and one to take home.
The class will begin around 6pm, after learning the steps to making sushi, we will eat together. Chicken Teriyaki, Salad, and of course Sushi! Cost is $75 per couple and includes supplies. Tickets available in person at the Rose House Gift Shop or online at The class will be taught by Rosalind and Saori. So exciting!

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Paczki Sale
to Feb 13

Paczki Sale

This will be our third year selling paczki! We will have several flavors for you to chose from. Pre orders are welcome using this order form. We will have some available for purchase for walk ins as well. Available Saturday February 10th between 9am-noon, or Fat Tuesday, Feb 13th, from 10am-2pm

Order here: Paczki Order Form

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CRAFT: Artists and Cocktails
to Jun 30

CRAFT: Artists and Cocktails

June 26-28 the Rose House will be open daily with our Weekday Cafe with extended hours from 8am-7pm, we are also inviting artists into our main hall and will have craft cocktails from 4-7pm each evening along with our Weekday Cafe Menu. Thursday June 29th, we will be open 8am-7:00pm with our cafe and will be serving cocktails from 4-7:30pm, Jesse Crandall and her Jazz trio will be playing from 5:30-7:30. Friday June 30 we will be open 8am-4pm.

All are welcome to shop, dine, and just enjoy.

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Doughnut Pop Up
9:00 AM09:00

Doughnut Pop Up

We will be making and selling doughnuts on Saturday March 18 from 9am-noon

These doughnuts are handmade that day, cost is 2.50 each or six for $15

We also sell specialty coffees during this time. We would love for you to sit in our space and enjoy a social hour during this time. See you then!

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Makers Market Nov 2022
10:00 AM10:00

Makers Market Nov 2022

We are so excited to host our 3rd annual November Makers Market. These markets feature handmade crafts and art for sale by local makers. There are so many unique and incredible artists in this area and we love to see them succeed! Please come out to support them and to purchase unique gifts for the holidays. We are hosting two markets this year, November 19th and December 3rd, from 10am-3pm. There will be soups, grilled cheeses, and doughnuts for sale from the Rose House as well as coffees and gifts.

Information for Makers:

We are still taking Makers, we try to limit the type of makers so that we aren’t selling too much of any type of particular item, if you are interested in participating the sooner you register, the better. Please email us at for the registration info.

Vendor booths include a 6ft table and 8 ft of space, there are a few spaces with electricity. Booths are $45 per market, $70 if registering for both markets together.

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Murder at the Jazz Club!
6:00 PM18:00

Murder at the Jazz Club!

A murder mystery and scavenger hunt in 2 acts!

The guests at this murder mystery party will be playing the roles of staff, entertainers and guests at a private party held at a jazz club in 1920s New York City. It is the height of the Jazz Age, and social revolution is afoot. Furthermore, this is the age of Prohibition—and of bootleggers and gangsters. Club owner Felix Fontano, the son of a successful bootlegger and crime boss—and a successful businessman himself—is throwing this private party for a group of select friends. It is a night of revelry like many other nights of revelry enjoyed by this group of sophisticates, artists and hoodlums . . . until things go horribly wrong.

We are excited to share that we have booked a real jazz band (Jessie Crandall Quintet) to play for the first hour of the event! There will also be appetizers and an open bar.

Tickets are $55 and available for purchase in person at the Rose House Weekday Cafe, open Mon-Fri 8am-2pm, or online at:

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Paczki's for Fat Tuesday!
9:00 AM09:00

Paczki's for Fat Tuesday!

We are taking orders now for home made Paczki’s. We will have prune, rose petal jam, lemon, raspberry, or blueberry filled paczki, all sugar coated. Price is $2.50 each. If you would like one (or more!), please send us an email order with the subject “Fat Tues”, your name, phone number, and pick up time. We will have them ready for you in the gift shop (entrance on Strongs Ave closest to Caroline’s Boutique) between 9am-1pm on Tuesday March 1st.

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