I finally faced it. I looked at my blog. I was afraid to look because I know the last time I blogged, and I know it was around this time last year that I admitted my neglect of blogging and said I would try again!
I did blog in February so it hasn’t quite been a FULL year, but it’s still embarrassing. I really do believe 2025 will be better. I actually downloaded the app for my website and I’m typing this blog post on my phone, whoa! This should help me, at least for the moment it is keeping me from deleting this section of the website... We will see.
2024 was a busy and fabulous year! We hosted wonderful weddings, had a great time in our cafe, and enjoyed hosting public and private events as well. I admit all the fun did leave me a little exhausted. In order to keep going strong I know when I need to take a break, so this past week we have been closed and it has been just the refresher I needed. We will re-open next week with a little more strategy in place and fresh eyes thanks to the mini vacation. If you did reach out this week, thank you for your patience and understanding!
Pictured here is a rare moment, I am in the middle and caught on camera with some of my favorite people, The Rose House wouldn’t be able to do what it does without such great staff (there are a handful more not pictured, they are also great!) Thank you Sawyer Creek Photography for grabbing this shot!
This is the year! Much love and cheers to blogging in 2025!
I saw this image online and had to laugh because so often this is what it feels like when I am about to blog…lol!