Nuts about donuts!

Hi’ya!!! It’s been a while! So sorry about that. We have been meaning to reach out, but life has just been a little crazy! It’s 2021 now and we are hopeful for a bright year! Early in January things were still feeling a little unknown, but it looks like we are able to move forward now thinking of this new year with confidence.

So one thing we would like to tell you…

We have committed to donuts!

Of course we are first and foremost a place for weddings and events. But donuts have found a way to cuddle up to our main mission. First of all, most of the time when people come for a doughnut they are celebrating. Either it’s a small victory, or it’s a birthday treat, or someone is retiring at the office, or just because it’s Friday. That alone, has made donuts so fun. So they fit in, and we love that it brings you here, we need people, and we need to celebrate with you, that is what we are about, donuts just make that happen all the more. So, we make donuts Wednesday-Saturday 8:00am-1pm. There will be occasional Saturdays when we are hosting events and unable to make donuts. For those days, we will always make an announcement on our facebook, if no where else.

So, stop on by! Saturdays we often get quite busy, but Thursdays and Wednesdays need your love. Please spread the word that we are open those days! We also have room for your morning meetings, if you have a business that needs a place to meet, our space may be ideal, you can rent it in advance and we will prepare everything we can for you, or if you just have a small group, you are welcome to sit in our gift shop. Either way, donuts (or breakfast) can be a part of your events here :-)

We do have a doughnut schedule, I’ll attach it here. Also, this week, we are trying a few fun things. One, we are making ponzcka’s! Today we are making the prune filling. We will also have raspberry filled, blueberry filled, and cherry filled. We are planning a special ponzcka day on Fat Tuesday, but we also have them available this week.

And with all that shoveling, we thought maybe you would be interested in trying a “CBD” Donut. C-chocolate (with a CBD blend from Alleviate Wellness), B-Berry, D-Doughnut. We will have this available on Wednesday and Thursday mornings this week if you would like to try it.

Along with the donuts, we do still have Pizza on Thursday evenings, we will continue to offer this weekly via curbside for now, hopefully we will be able to have some real pizza parties this summer.

And, slowly we are starting up our in house events, after a year of minimal events, we are a bit rusty. But we are planning an open house on Sunday Feb 21st, from 1:00-3:00, and we are also excited to plan “Office Themed Trivia” in March. So mark your calendars, and we look forward to seeing you!

As always, thanks for loving us!

