
We have done an incredibly poor job at advertising our donuts, perhaps the excitement of accidentally stumbling across them and the word of mouth has been the best part about them! Regardless, I am stopping that from happening by writing this blog, but it really is time.

Just before COVID-19 hit we had realized that we don’t fully utilize our deep fryers and that there was so much we could experiment with, mainly, donuts. So, I (Rosalind) started looking at recipes and considering the possibilities. Then COVID 19 happened and we had free time so we experimented. By the time we felt good about our recipe and ideas it was fully Spring and the Farmers Market had begun. So we put our bakery case across our door so no one could enter, and we started selling them right in the doorway. This worked out really good since we had so much foot traffic and people are more than happy to turn an extra corner for a fresh made doughnut. For the first month it was just an experiment, every week getting up early I would tell myself it was the last week. But seeing regular customers, and smiles, and remembering my own childhood “going to the bakery” fun would get me to go on for the next week. Now tomorrow it’s going to be Sept 1st, and we have been selling donuts for 5 full months. In that time we have perfected our recipes and love our customers. We’ve given many venue tours, shared many of our gift shop treasures, and even had a small wedding book as a result of donuts! Just like the deep fried carbs are said to be quite addicting, we have grown addicted to deep frying carbs! The more people hear about our donuts the more quickly they arrive on Saturday mornings, we have attempted to up our production and are so thankful for those of you who keep coming back even though many weeks we have sold out. More than anything, Thank you so much for loving and supporting us! The excitement of pizza and donuts has really kept us alive during this pandemic, we appreciate it more than you know.

This is our case in the doorway as we began our doughnut sales. Our donuts were good then, but we continued to improve :-)

This is our case in the doorway as we began our doughnut sales. Our donuts were good then, but we continued to improve :-)

This is the day Lori from Pure Therapeutic Massage came and assisted me on our mothers day sale, which included floral from Green’s Flower Farm, a Massage, and Fudge.

This is the day Lori from Pure Therapeutic Massage came and assisted me on our mothers day sale, which included floral from Green’s Flower Farm, a Massage, and Fudge.

We decided to commit to the donuts and we have really gotten the swing of things. We love our Doughnut Day as much as you do!

How can we say no to such happiness? We love it!

How can we say no to such happiness? We love it!

All of this brings us to the real reason we are blogging today and it’s because after a Summer of fun doughnut and pizza adventures we just don’t want it to end! After much thought we have decided the best thing to do is go forward and keep bringing you bites of happiness and ways to celebrate small things. Of course our space is an event space first, and there are a few upcoming weddings that will need our space fully so there will be a few Saturdays we won’t be able to provide doughnuts in October. BUT we don’t want that to mean you can’t have donuts at all, so we have decided to also sell donuts on FRIDAYS! Beginning this Friday! We will not only be selling sweet yummy donuts, but beginning at 11am we will be selling soup and savory donuts. If you are comfortable in our space, you are welcome to sit and enjoy, or you can always take it to go. We will be open from 9-1 on Fridays and Saturdays with donuts and soup. Please plan to stop by since we really can’t do this without you! As a recap, we have curbside pizza on Thursdays, and donuts on Fridays and Saturdays. At this time we are open with limits for private events and sometime sooner than later we have ideas for future more individual type of events. Our group events, like murder mysteries and music will likely be on hold for a little while longer, but hopefully life will iron out and we’ll be able to have such fun again in the near future. Thank you once again for being a part of the Rose House Community!

Some of our most popular are the Raspberry and Blueberry filled, the sugar coated, and my personal favorite, The Apple fritter!

Some of our most popular are the Raspberry and Blueberry filled, the sugar coated, and my personal favorite, The Apple fritter!

So what is a Savory Doughnut? It’s like a regular doughnut, but instead of being sweet, it’s filled with salt. We made some last week with bacon, jalapeño, cheese, and garlic. They are pretty delightful especially with soup.

A savory doughnut with cheese melted on top

A savory doughnut with cheese melted on top

Thanks for reading, have a great day!
