Happy New Year!

I realize the first month of the year is almost over and I am just now blogging. Ahhh!!!! Time is escaping. It’s amazing to look back at a year ago what we were doing, how much we’ve changed, and what exciting plans are in the future. It’s also amazing to look at just this first month of 2020 and see how much we have already accomplished. AMAZING! We couldn’t do it without you, thank you so much for being there and cheering for us. First here is a photo from this time last year and one from last week…Just because it’s amazing how far we’ve come.

Wow! This is the first time I have really taken a photo from a year ago and a second photo from yesterday. Not only did I just gasp out loud in shock over the difference, but my heart is warm. As someone who has been there everyday, who’s had days of giving up and days of rejoicing. It’s miraculous. And impossible. This is beyond anything I could ever imagine or expect. I don’t know how you feel about God, but I know He is in all of this, it’s all just amazing. Okay, I’ll stop now (and wipe my tears)…thank you for reading my enthusiasm.

Anyway, I look at this and think if we have come this far, how much further can we go? We’ve definitely learned a lot, and we definitely appreciate your patience in that. We also have loved it all, and will continue to love it.

For now we have a little over a handful of weddings booked for 2020, and a handful of other fun events on the calendar. We also have ideas for public events, we plan to do one every month. We’ve also started cooking in our kitchen and it’s so much fun! We have no intention of becoming a restaurant, but we do look forward to doing food events and some catering in house. In February we are doing two public food events, we have the CWSO Scholarship quartet playing and we are offering a pasta buffet for Valentine’s day. And we are teaching a sushi making class, Feb 18th.

Also in this first month we have started composting. We just started, but already it’s a good feeling. In just this first week we have filled 5 five gallon buckets. We are able to recycle paper towel and food scrapes. There is a lot of those two things at the Rose House.

There is so much to write. It won’t even make sense to fit it all in this first blog of the year. Hopefully I will have time to share more soon. Thanks for reading!
