It’s starting to feel like we have been remodeling for quite a long time! But it’s still fun and still rewarding, especially when we look back and see how far we have come. We have all the recessed lights in, we’ve painted the ceiling, and are working on the walls. I haven’t taken any professional photos lately. Here are many from my phone for the month of March. Pretty amazing how much was accomplished in that month. We started the month with the floor, I know you already saw that if you’ve been reading. But here is a brief glance…
We started on March 3 with clearing out as much of the space as we could so we could start working on the floor.
The ceiling was primed. Unfortunately we didn’t have time to paint it before the next steps. There were no lights up, and the walls were primed.
This is a few days later after the floor was completely removed, whoa!
And the concrete coming in one barrel at a time.
The next day curing with saw cuts.
Then the other side…
Before this building was built a Church was on this corner and had burned down. Crazy to think this foundation that was buried deep under could be from then. With the black burn marks to boot. Really crazy! Is it possible??
Drains and bar prep was done. We also lined up the Soda lines. And planned beer tap options.
And the other half of the floor was finished.
And then, mid March…we had to get the kitchen licensed. A LOT of cleaning had to happen. EW!!!
much better
And we are licensed!
Recessed LED lights were installed and ceiling work resumed. Including LOTS of ceiling paint (and sore necks!)
We finally got brave enough to make an announcement!
There aren’t photos, but we had a few roof issues. Those were fixed, tested, and proved sealed. Which allowed to fully and peacefully finish the indoor ceiling work. That helps me sleep at night.
Location of the mermaids and how we can bring them back to the space was also established…this is not quite right. But it’s coming. The ceiling was also painted after this.
Flooring by the bathrooms was also redone. This section was definitely at one point part of the lobby for the Belmont Hotel. I am guessing it’s possible the hotel lobby bathrooms or some sort of water area was here.
The electrician found several newspapers!
Paint happened…It’s still happening.
Paint, and sanding, and texture.
Prepping for the other half of the wall.
The beams were continued and brought all the way across the room.
TODAY we started painting the stone.
In process…
The wall that was prepped is now painted and sanded. Still some clean up to come. And also, still not sure if we love it. But all of it is a work in progress.
And that’s it! A month of work in preparing the Rose House! All laid out, it's quick to read. But also super hard to believe it ALL happened in a month. Things feel like they are moving slow but it’s great to put it in perspective and see how far we have come. God is good, exciting things are in the works!
Thanks for reading.
-Rosalind on behalf of the Rose House.