We are getting closer and closer to the moments I’ve been looking forward to. Two big things happened this week for me as we continue to remodel. The first one being that the big room we are working on has become my favorite room! That’s a big deal since it wasn’t always. Up until this week the Belmont Room (White Corner Room) has been my favorite. It has felt cleaner and brighter than the rest, but now that has changed! The Rose Hall has become the room I can’t wait to be in. That is so exciting!
The other thing that happened this week is that everyone who saw the Rose Hall walked in and said “Wow!” Even those who have been a part of the process. Suddenly what was previously just a vision/insecure dream has become reality. It’s shocking for me. Today I stood in the front doorway as they stained the floor and just stared, saying “wow” to myself. And I have been there every day. It’s just so unbelievable, miraculous, and impossible. But with God all things are possible and for me personally, this is just more proof of that! Shocking proof. This entire project has grown me tremendously. I could start another blog just about that.
Anyway, here is the latest in photos. Thanks for taking a peak.
Last week we worked on finishing as much as possible before the floor staining and sealing process could begin this week.
Jonathan from Durie Electric wiring the lights at the proper lengths.
Travis and his daughter (Talbott Builders) finishing the wood overlays. So cool to see them working together.
What was previously a hole in the wall, now it’s own layer of bricks :-)
One of our main chandeliers, with all 168 crystals attached!
Tools, sawdust, and pink paper everywhere!
After the giant I-beam was encased in the wood.
One of the mermaids that are now hanging over what will be the bar.
freshly gel stained beams, those have been in that very spot since 1965. Talbot Builders did an incredible job matching them and making them continue across the ceiling. When you look closely you will see that one half of each beam looks much newer than the other.
Light, ceiling trim, and new beams.
Overall crazy as we tried to wrap things up!
Then Sunday after Easter Lunch we had to come back and clear everything out. Monday morning Alchemy Concrete helped move some big things out and then they went to work cleaning, scrubbing, and shining up the very dusty concrete.
This is before the mega cleaning of the floor.
All scrubbed and clean! Also, check out the seamless-ness between those new and old beams on the celing!
And now for what I think is most impressive, these last photos are today with the stain. I can’t wait to see what it all looks like tomorrow after it’s sealed. I truly am shocked this is the same building!
WHOA!!!! The seal will make it a little more vibrant. Stay tuned!
It’s just so unbelievable!