Hello all!
I just found out recently that some people actually read my blog! First of all, thank you for that :-) With you in mind I will type on. I guess also there is a chance you have been awaiting an update since I haven’t shared anything since April, I am so sorry about that. We have actually gone through quite a few changes, but I will make a second post on that, for now I will just share some lovely photos from a May wedding.
I personally love to see the photos from weddings because it helps me to know there was more to the day our goal is to highlight you and your celebration, we really are just the background for the party. Our staff and myself do work hard to make it flow smoothly and as you can see from these photos, it turns out amazing!
Special thanks to Two Guys Photography (www.twoguysphotography.com) for sharing his images with us!
Their ceremony was intimate and in the backyard of the family home.
The dinner was also intimate with 35 guests, in our Weekday Cafe space.
The party after dinner is where the fun started with more than 100 guests to dance, eat cake, and have fun!
First dance
What handsome fella’s against our West side brick wall.
We love having a Marquis and the great photo ops.
Sunset photos on the bridge just down the road.
Middle of the road…doesn’t matter how they got there as long as the rest of the journey is together!
MORE dancing!
Cake cutting and first bite
Bouquet toss
Sweet mural image