This was supposed to be our year!

I apologize, it’s been a while since I last wrote. In January and February things were going great. We were gearing up for Spring and for 2020 to be our year. We had a routine, bookings, showings, and then the brakes hit! [Insert screech and crash sound here]

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I don’t even know what to say next.

There is nothing else…

Our last event was a baby shower, it was great. We made them pizza which we spent several months perfecting, they loved it and reviewed it highly. They celebrated. We were all excited.

And then suddenly more limits and restrictions…

And now, like the rest of the US, we are closed.

Every message we had in mid March was for a cancellation. We issued refunds in full for the Belmont Room and could do nothing but encourage rescheduling for the main hall, which everyone did, thankfully. No matter the reason for issuing a refund, it’s hard not to feel responsible. This virus is definitely out of our hands, but it still feels like we did something wrong. So I fell into a funk, and finally now with the help of some sunshine, I am willing to consider that for a while, this may be a new normal. (I don’t even like that I wrote that last sentence).

So how do we go forward? Can we plan events? I am afraid to say yes to hosting events, I am hopeful things will be better for our next upcoming wedding scheduled at the end of June, but there is a little caution in me. Eventually we will be able to host events again, and every celebration will be so much more appreciated after having gone through this. So we will take all the event ideas we have and put them in our pocket to save for later, and later we will have so much fun!

For now, we are very fortunate, we have a fully licensed kitchen and are legally able to operate as a bar and restaurant. The previous owner of our space was known for their pizza. And all the best pizza equipment is at our fingertips. Not to mention we just perfected our recipe. So along with getting our gift shop online, we have started curbside pick up for a Thursday night pizza party. We will write more on that in another blog, no need to overwhelm you here. Thanks for reading!
